January 2016
Featured article on the front page of the website.
Our special acknowledgement and gratitude to Sam Jernigan (Renaissance Consultations) for her excellent work in helping set up our Homes of Hope Press Room and in so effectively sharing our Homes of Hope 25th anniversary story with mainstream as well as Christian media:
CNN recently filmed a Homes of Hope volunteer build on-location to profile our work for their special series "Impact Your World"
The segment includes an interview with founder/president Sean Lambert and is airing multiple times on TV March 21 - March 26.
It's also featured on CNN.com and accompanied by an article as well as the video.
People American Heroes: Inspirational Stories of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Good
May/June 2016 Edition
In an all-new special edition from the editors of People Magazine, Homes of Hope and it's founder Sean Lambert are featured in a 3 page spread on pages 84 - 86.
Available for purchase on Amazon and newsstands everywhere.
People Magazine
People.com is ranked in the top 150 websites in the U.S. and top 550 websites globally.
Homes of Hope Founder, Sean Lambert, was named People's Hero of the Week 12/23/2015
The Christian Post
A highly-trafficked website ranking in the top 6500 globally, top 2400 in the U.S.
K-Love Radio
Syndicated on 400+ radio stations in the U.S.
Sean Lambert interviewed on the Scott & Kelli Show 5/21/2015
Homes of Hope was mentioned on Scott & Kelli's blog.
San Diego's #1-rated TV station
The San Diego Union-Tribune
Feature article on newspaper's homepage & print edition Sunday, May 24, 2015.
The Guardian (A regional Canadian newspaper)
Featured article on newspaper's homepage & print edition.
APRIL 2015